Type R Thermocouples

Thermocouple Type R, R Type Thermocouple

Type B thermocouples use platinum leg and a platinum–rhodium alloy leg. Type B thermocouples are some of the most stable thermocouples, but have lower sensitivity than other types (10 µV/°C)

Our Thermocouples and RTD's are made to your specifications and needs.
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Type R (platinum–rhodium 13% - pure platinum)
Short Term
Tolerance Class A
Tolerance Class B
Color Code
R 0 to +1600 -50 to +1700 ±1.0 between 0 °C and 1100 °C
±[1 + 0.003×(T - 1100)] between 1100 °C and 1600 °C
±1.5 between 0 °C and 600 °C
±0.0025×T between 600 °C and 1600 °C
Type R Thermocouple

 IPS® thermocouples are precise temperature measuring elements made of the highest grade materials available. They are carefully assembled according to the highest standards set by the industry. IPS thermocouples are checked against standard temperature-millivolt curves to assure calibration accuracy and must match accepted performance curves which set the standard ANSI accuracy limits.

Any Design or mounting requirements can be met.


Use our Online quote form to request a Thermocouple quote!

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Please visit Industrial Process and Sensor for more info.

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