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The products listed represent only a small selection of the available IP
product line.
To discuss your specific application with an experienced technician.
Please Call
IPS Wire Configurations: ARMORED WIRE
Extension Grade K Type Thermocouple wire with Fiberglass and Flex Armor - KX-16-GG-x
IPS Wire Configurations
Extension Grade K Type Thermocouple wire with Fiberglass Insulation - KX-16-GG
Extension Grade J Type Thermocouple wire with 16 pairs Teflon on Teflon shileded with a drain wire - JX-16-20-TIAT
Thermocouple Wire & Instrument Cable
Type K Thermocouple Wire
Type K Thermocouple Grade Wire
Type K Thermocouple Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Type K Thermocouple Wire with High Temperature Insulation
Bare Type K Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type K Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Type KX Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire
Type KX Extension Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Type KX 14 AWG Extension Grade Wire PVC Singles, PVC Overall 1000 Reel
Insulated Type K Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Bare Type K Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Type K Thermocouple Cable Assembly
Type K Thermocouple & Extension Wire Cable
Type J Thermocouple Grade Wire
Type J Thermocouple Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Type "J" Thermocouple Wire with High Temperature Insulation
Internet SPECIAL Type J 20 AWG Thermocouple Grade Wire Glass on Glass, Glass on Singles, Glass Overall 1000 Reel
Internet SPECIAL Type JJ 20 AWG Special Limits Thermocouple Grade Wire Glass on Glass, Glass on Singles, Glass Overall 1000 Reel
Bare Type J Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type J Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Type JX Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire
Type "JX" Thermocouple Extension Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Internet SPECIAL Type JX 16 AWG Extension Grade Wire PVC Singles, PVC Overall 1000 Foot Reels
Bare Type J Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type J Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Type J Thermocouple Cable Assembly
Type J Thermocouple & Extension Wire Cable
Type T Thermocouple Wire
Type T Thermocouple Grade Wire
Type "T" Thermocouple Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Internet SPECIAL Type T 20 AWG Thermocouple Grade Wire PVC Singles, PVC Overall 1000 Reel
Bare Type T Thermocouple and Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type T Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Type TX Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire
Type "T" Extension Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Internet SPECIAL Type TX 20 AWG Extension Grade Wire PVC Singles, PVC Overall 1000 Reel
Bare Type T Thermocouple and Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type T Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Type T Thermocouple Cable Assembly
Type T Thermocouple & Extension Wire Cable
Type E Thermocouple Wire
Type E Thermocouple Grade Wire
Type "E" Thermocouple Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Bare Type E Thermocouple and Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type E Thermocouple Grade Wire (Information)
Type EX Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire
Type "E" Extension Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
InterNet SPECIAL Type EX 16 AWG PVC Singles, PVC Overall Extension Grade Wire, 1000 Reels
Bare Type E Thermocouple and Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Insulated Type E Extension Grade Wire (Information)
Type E Thermocouple Cable Assembly
Type E Thermocouple & Extension Wire Cable
Type R & S Thermocouple Wire
Type R and Type S Thermocouple Wire
Bare Type R and S Thermocouple Wire (Information)
Type RSX Thermocouple Extension Grade Wire
Type R & S Extension Wire with Standard Temperature Insulation
Internet SPECIAL Type RSX 20 AWG Extension Grade Wire Glass on Glass, Glass on Singles, Glass Overall 1000 Reel
Type RSX 20 AWG PAP PVC Singles, Overall Shield and Drain,PVC Overall Extension Grade Wire, 1000 Reels
Type RSX 16 AWG Extension Grade Wire Glass on Glass, Glass on Singles, Glass Overall 1000 Reel
Type RSX 16 AWG Stranded Extension Grade Wire Glass on Glass, Glass on Singles, Glass Overall 1000 Reel
Bare Type R and S Thermocouple Wire (Information)
Insulated Type RX and SX Extension Wire (Information)
Type RSX Thermocouple Cable Assembly
Type RSX Thermocouple & Extension Wire Cable
Other Thermocouple and Instrument Wire and Cable
Type B Thermocouple Wire
Please CALL 618-465-7623 For Type B Wire.
Type C Thermocouple Wire
Please CALL 618-465-7623 For Type C Wire.
Type N Thermocouple Wire
Please CALL 618-465-7623 For Type N Wire.
Instrument Wire and Cable
Instrument Wire and Cable. Please CALL 618-465-7623
Copper Wire
4\0 19 Strand Tinned Copper Wire
Ordering Info
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